Ad projections spearhead Cignpost’s campaign for a safe return to the office

A new campaign by Cignpost Diagnostics kicks-off today, in support of a safe return to the office for Britain’s workers. Advertising projections at four key sites around Central London mark the long-awaited return to normal working following the Government’s lifting of all Covid restrictions. 

The campaign, run by one of the UK’s leading Covid testing companies, Cignpost Diagnostics, will include video projections at landmarks such as London Bridge, St.Paul’s Cathedral, Leake Street and Brewer Street in the heart of the Soho. The campaign is designed to provide advice to company leaders about how to ensure every employee can return safely to the office, supported by Covid-19 testing. Along with the advertising campaign, the company has developed a guide to help business leaders understand how best to approach COVID in future.

Projections will light up around London as dark falls, with such slogans as ‘More Bums On Seats’, ‘Don’t Be The One On Mute’ and ‘Be in the room, not on Zoom’.

From 1st April, the Government will be ending the provision of free COVID tests, except for those who are immuno-suppressed or work in NHS hospitals. In addition the £500 payments for those forced to self-isolate will end and Statutory Sick Pay will only be paid from the fourth day of illness, rather than immediately. 

Steve Chilton, Deputy MD of Cignpost Diagnostics, explained the rationale behind the campaign:  “The Government has now lifted all restrictions and is no longer advising people to work from home. It is for businesses themselves to decide their best approach for tackling COVID, particularly for those who have been working from home during the pandemic or who are unable to get vaccinated. 

“Businesses understand the impact that working from home has had upon their workforce – both in terms of productivity, creativity and building a company culture. They have also seen the effect on their employee’s mental health and welfare.  There are also many people who remain cautious about returning to work in close proximity to others in offices and it is critical that business can provide the reassurance to these employees. Our campaign is designed to provide information and advice for company leaders so they can reassure every member of staff that they have a plan to enable them to work safely again.  

“We have been delivering tailored COVID testing solutions to businesses throughout the pandemic, and have kept companies open across the UK, Europe and North America to protect the wellbeing of tens of thousands of employees.”

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